The Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket is able to provide life-changing and life-saving services to the youth in our community because of the support of our partners.

While members pay a nominal fee for membership at the Club, that doesn’t even come close to covering the expenses of providing them with programs (approximately $1,000 per child annually).

The support of the community-at-large is vital to our ability to maintain the high-caliber programs for which we are known. We always seek to provide our corporate partners with recognition for their contribution to our programs; featuring them on our social media pages and honoring long time supporters at events. If you or your company is interested in learning more, please contact Amy Gonsalves, Director of Development & Communications, at

Become a volunteer.

Help save the lives of at-risk kids in our community.

Homers for Kids

Twice a year – once in April and then again in August, Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket supporters gather at McCoy Stadium, home of the Pawtucket Red Sox, to celebrate their contributions to our Club. 

Homers for Kids provides area businesses and corporations with the opportunity to make an investment in the incredible youth development programs offered at the Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket, while also receiving public recognition for their contributions.

For more than two decades, the Pawtucket Red Sox have partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket as the supporting partner of Homers for Kids. Bringing public recognition to campaign donors, the Pawtucket Red Sox list donor names on the jumbo screen at McCoy Stadium before both kick-off and wrap-up games as well as providing general admission tickets to all donors so they can show their support for both the Club and their hometown team.  Major donors are also invited to attend an on-field recognition ceremony at both the Homers for Kids kick-off and wrap-up games.

To learn more about how you can make a corporate donation to the Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket, please download the Homers for Kids Campaign brochure, or contact Amy Chaunt, Director of Development & Community Relations at 401-722-8840 x816 or

Want to get more involved? Consider serving on our Homers for Kids Committee! Learn more about volunteering at the Club or Amy Chaunt, Director of Development & Community Relations at 401-722-8840 x816 or

Did you know?

You can rent our facilities for parties, outings, meetings, and more.